Becoming a developer as disabled

As disabled, to become a developer is nothing different than to people without disability.
You need to be capable of learnig, think logical, and you to learn and work hard.

What else ? Sign up and apply for the internship.

What are you going to learn

  1. What is the internet and how is it working
  2. Server, computers, tablets, mobile phones, IoT
  3. Windows,Linux,MacOs,iphone,Andoid
  4. HTML,Javascript,CSS with extensive HTML5, CSS3,Saas
  5. PHP,Laravel,NodeJs,React,ReactNative
  6. MySQL(MariaDv),PgSQL,MSSQL,SQLlite,Memcached,MongoDb,CouchDb,AzureCosmosDb,GoogleCloud Datastore,Amazon DynamoDB,AmazonDocumentDb,firebase,JSON,Redis,Jquery
  7. How to use BoostrapMade templates (waiting for license approval)
  8. How to use www.creative-tim.com templates (waiting for license approval)
  9. Bootstrap,MaterialUI,Jquery,Tailwind
  10. VSCODE,GIT,npm
  11. bash,batch,powershell scripting

During the course you will be involved in projects with mentor supervision and help,to gather handson experience.

At the end of the course you will be able to setup your development environment, and will be able to work independent, creawte a static and/or dynamic web page/web application using the learned techniques and tools.

We are now in the build up phase, building up the staff and procedures, testing our systems to provide continuous service

Current disabled students


Ongoing projects


Next : call to action

If you think you are able and want to take this offer, please register. Or if you know someone who is disabled please make hime/her aware of this possibility.

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